On 15 November 2019, Friday, the First Public Lecture for Citizens from the project Educative-Informative Activities on Sustainable Waste Management was held. The topic of the lecture was waste prevention and re-use of objects. Waste management hierarchy was explained and the first two and the most acceptable waste management measures were discussed: waste production prevention and re-use of products. Likewise, the topic of proper waste disposal was covered. It included an overview of the existing infrastructure of the Municipality of Čepin for correct waste disposal. Examples, as where to dispose of each particular waste category were given and it was pointed out that correct waste disposal is the principal factor in a circular waste management.

We would also like to announce the Second Public Lecture for Citizens that will take place on 22 November 2019 at 13:00 at the city hall of the Municipality of Čepin. We are pleased to invite all interested citizens to attend the lecture.